The Launch School Community
In lieu of a physical space, we’ve built a vibrant community of students from all walks of life. Discover how our students connect with each other while they progress through our 100% online learning curriculum.
Whether you’d like to ask a question or just hang out, our Slack community chat is the best place to meet the students and staff at Launch School. To access our community chat, sign up to Launch School for free, then locate the “chat room” icon on the left sidebar.
Our Community Study Groups
While you study with us, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in live TA and student-led study groups. Working alongside other students in our friendly environment is a great way to build confidence, gain social skills and maintain accountability in a self-paced curriculum.
Formal TA-led study groups where students can practice their skills live and prepare for curriculum assessments
The SPOT (Study, Practice, Overlearn, Teach) provides informal student-led study groups additional practice
Free Programs & Workshops
New to Launch School? We strongly encourage newcomers to try our free workshops & programs. They’re perfect if you’re looking to meet the community or build skills right away. While they require some time commitment, they’ll help you learn if Launch School is the right fit for you.
A Free Introduction to Launch School’s Core Curriculum, Community & Software Engineering
Free, live 1-hour workshops suitable for beginners looking to gain fundamental skills in programming
In-Person Meetups
From Austin to Austria, around the world Launch School students have been able to connect through in-person meetups!
If you're interested, reach out in our community chat to ask if there's a meetup in your area.

Follow Our Launch School Channels
From podcast interviews to student-written articles, check out the various ways students share their journey through Launch School. We have several social media communities where you can receive updates, tips, articles, videos and more.
Read first-hand experiences of Launch School students
Listen to alumni stories & latest Launch School news
Live Workshop Recordings, Capstone Presentations & more
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Launch School Shop
Throughout our community, studnts show off their school pride and. study in style with Launch School's branded gear.
Featuring programmer staples including tees, hoodies, coffee mugs, stickers, hats and more.

Community Events and News
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned, and share it in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned, and share it in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students, feel comfortable coding under pressure, and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students, feel comfortable coding under pressure, and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as a way to meet other students and practise solving problems together using PEDAC. These study groups are a great way to gain confidence and connect with and learn from fellow students. There is no judgment here! We encourage all students to attend a session if they are able.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as a way to meet other students and practice solving problems together using PEDAC. These study groups are a great way to gain confidence and connect with and learn from fellow students. There is no judgment here! We encourage all students to attend a session if they are able.
This informal meet-up is a casual way to connect with other people from under-represented genders (women and non-binary folks) in the LS community and talk about programming and mastery-based learning, as well as share experiences, challenges, tips, and more. Women and enby students in Prep or any LS course are welcome to attend.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share with each other in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students, feel comfortable coding under pressure, and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned, and share it in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students, feel comfortable coding under pressure, and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned, and share it in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
Think of this as an after-class study group where students can take what they’ve learned and share in a team-oriented approach. This has proven to be a great way to meet other students and prepare for real-world job interviews and assessments.
What Students Are Saying About Our Community
Launch School has provided a warm and loving community in a time of significant isolation. The sincerity of the school’s purpose has drawn so many wonderful individuals together and encouraged us to really engage in a way I have not experienced with other remote relationships. I’ve definitely made lifelong friendships thanks to Launch School!
I really value the culture of high standards that Launch School has created. The people in this community consistently encourage each other to push their limits and bring their best efforts. I have studied coding previously in a variety of settings, but I have never been this focused and invested in improving my skills.
The community is a big part of what makes LS such a wonderful and encouraging place, and I think that it starts with how involved LS is in responding to messages and getting involved in discussions on Slack. It seems to me like LS has cracked the code much more than most on how to make a vibrant and engaging online learning environment.
I’ve become a more disciplined, methodical, dedicated, deliberate person with my health, finances, personal development, everything! These are things I picked up, not just through the curriculum itself, but through the culture of the community here. I’ll forever be thankful you guys exist.
The community at Launch School is second to none. There are so many people from alumni, staff, and students who want to help you succeed. In the Slack channels I see staff constantly answering questions and trying to be helpful. Whenever I have asked a staff member a question it has always been met with a thoughtful and supportive answer.