The Proof is in the Results
The average starting salary for Capstone graduates based in the United States for 2023 was:
Latest Capstone Salary Overview (US 2023)
US Average Base Salary
Duration to Offer
Work Remote
Our results page was designed to be more transparent about our Capstone Results. For an in depth explanation about why we chose to represent the figures below please read this blog post and this blog post.
Launch School Capstone Results
All numbers on this page are for full-time Software Engineering roles. There are no "consultants", "evangelists", "entrepreneurs", "sales engineers", etc. Numbers reflect the accepted base salary only and do not include other compensation, such as signing bonus, annual bonus, raises, stock units, stock options, etc.
Capstone Placement Numbers
From Capstone
Job Offers
Placement Results 180 days after Graduation
- (53) Accepted offer within 180 days
- (7) Currently job hunting
- (3) Accepted offer after 180 days
- (3) Internship
- (3) Paused or delayed job hunt
- (2) Decided to not job hunt
† Calculated from number who received offer within 180 days (53) divided by number who entered Capstone (71)
Capstone Cohort Information (including Non-US Countries)
2023 Totals
71 students total
71 graduated
53 accepted job offers*
Spring Cohort
23 students enrolled
23 graduated
21 accepted job offers*
Summer Cohort
19 students enrolled
19 graduated
10 accepted job offers*
Fall Cohort
29 students enrolled
29 graduated
22 accepted job offers*
Additional Capstone Information
- 10 Canadian and UK Graduates accepted offers with an average of $76,137 USD and 15.3 weeks duration to offer.
- 18% (13) of 2023 Capstone enrollees were from outside of the US.
Capstone Placement Numbers
From Capstone
Job Offers
Placement Results 180 days after Graduation

- (4) Accepted offer after 180 days
- (3) Paused or delayed job hunt
- (2) Currently seeking job in-field
- (2) Not seeking in-field employment
† Calculated from number who received offer within 180 days (80) divided by number who entered Capstone (91)
Graduation Results
- 100% of accepted offers reported salaries (84)
- 100% graduated did so on time (91)
United States Capstone Salary Highlight
Base Salary
Base Salary
United States Salaries Breakdown by Salary Range
United States Graduate Salary Information & Gender Ratios***
Capstone Cohort Information (including Non-US Countries)
2022 Totals
91 students total
91 graduated*
84 accepted job offers**
Spring Cohort
27 students enrolled
27 graduated
27 accepted job offers
Summer Cohort
28 students enrolled
28 graduated
28 accepted job offers
Fall Cohort
36 students enrolled
36 graduated*
29 accepted job offers**
Additional Capstone Information
- 13 Canadian and UK Graduates accepted offers with an average of $86,007 USD and 8.5 weeks duration to offer.
- 100% of Canadian and UK Graduates accepted within 180 days.
- 17.5% (16) of 2022 Capstone enrollees were from outside of US.
Capstone Placement Numbers
From Capstone
Job Offers
Placement Results 180 days after Graduation
- 1.4% (1) Not seeking in-field employment*
- 1.4% (1) Currently seeking job in-field**
- 1.4% (1) Accepted offer after 180 days
† Calculated from number who received offer within 180 days (68) divided by number who entered Capstone (71)
Graduation Results
- 100% of accepted offers reported salaries (69)
- 100% graduated did so on time (70)
- Software Engineer is the most frequent graduate job title
United States Capstone Salary Highlight
Base Salary
Base Salary
United States Salaries Breakdown by Salary Range
United States Graduate Salary Information & Gender Ratios***
Capstone Cohort Information (including Non-US Countries)
2021 Totals
71 students total
70 graduated*
69 accepted job offers**
Spring Cohort
24 students enrolled
24 graduated
24 accepted job offers
Summer Cohort
23 students enrolled
23 graduated
23 accepted job offers
Fall Cohort
24 students enrolled
23 graduated*
22 accepted job offers**
Additional Capstone Information
- 9 Canadian and UK Graduates with an average of $95,315 USD base salary and 8.3 weeks duration to offer
- 17% (12) enrolled outside of US
Capstone Placement Numbers
From Capstone
Job Offers
Placement Results 180 days after Graduation
† Calculated from number who received offer within 180 days (34) divided by number who entered Capstone (34)
Graduation Results
- 100% of accepted offers reported salaries (34)**
- 100% graduated did so on time (33)*
- All offers accepted within 180 days from start of job hunt
United States Capstone Salary Highlight
Base Salary
Base Salary
United States Salaries Breakdown by Salary Range
Capstone Cohort Information (including Non-US Countries)
2020 Totals
34 students total
33 graduated*
34 accepted job offers**
Spring Cohort
11 students enrolled
11 graduated
11 accepted job offers
Summer Cohort
9 students enrolled
8 graduated*
9 accepted job offers**
Fall Cohort
14 students enrolled
14 graduated
14 accepted job offers
Additional Capstone Information
- 8 UK and Canadian graduates
- $87,678 USD average base salary (UK and Canada)
- 7 weeks average duration to accepted offer (UK and Canada)
- 26% (9) enrolled were outside of US
- Enrollment breakdown: US (25), Canada (6), UK (2), Australia (1)
Capstone Placement Numbers
From Capstone
Job Offers
Placement Results 180 days after Graduation
† Calculated from number who received offer within 180 days (18) divided by number who entered Capstone (18)
Graduation Results
- 100% of accepted offers reported salaries (18)
- 100% graduated did so on time (18)
- All offers accepted within 180 days from start of job hunt
United States Capstone Salary Highlight
Base Salary
Base Salary
United States Salaries Breakdown by Salary Range
Capstone Cohort Information (including Non-US Countries)
2019 Totals
18 students total
18 graduated
18 accepted job offers
Spring Cohort
6 students enrolled
6 graduated
6 accepted job offers
Summer Cohort
6 students enrolled
6 graduated
6 accepted job offers
Fall Cohort
6 students enrolled
6 graduated
6 accepted job offers
Additional Capstone Information
- 3 UK and Canadian graduates
- $64,811 USD average base salary (UK and Canada)
- 3 weeks average duration to accepted offer (UK and Canada)
- 22% (4) enrolled were outside of US
- Enrollment breakdown: US (14), Canada (2), UK (1), India (1)
Capstone Placement Numbers
From Capstone
Job Offers
Placement Results 180 days after Graduation
- 9.6% (2) Were not able to complete Capstone due to personal reasons**
† Calculated from number who received offer within 180 days (19) divided by number who entered Capstone (21)
Graduation Results
- 100% of accepted offers reported salaries (19)
- 100% graduated did so on time (19)
United States Capstone Salary Highlight
Base Salary
Base Salary
United States Salaries Breakdown by Salary Range
Capstone Cohort Information (including Non-US Countries)
2018 Totals
21 students total
19 graduated*
19 accepted job offers**
Spring Cohort
6 students enrolled
5 graduated
5 accepted job offers
Summer Cohort
6 students enrolled
6 graduated
6 accepted job offers
Fall Cohort
9 students enrolled
8 graduated
8 accepted job offers
Additional Capstone Information
- 2 Canadian graduates
- $71,700 USD average duration to accepted offer (Canada)
- 3.5 weeks average duration to accepted offer (Canada)
- 14% (3) enrolled were outside of US
- Enrollment breakdown: US (18), Canada (2), Asia (1)
Launching a Career
The Capstone Program is our "finishing program" at Launch School. The goal of Capstone and Launch School is to launch a rewarding career, not just land a job. Showing these salary numbers is our way of quantifying the quality of jobs for which our graduates are competing - and getting. Read more about the Capstone Program and see the outstanding Capstone Projects produced by our graduates.
Success Stories
These are students who have completed the entire Launch School curriculum, from the Core Curriculum through Capstone. The entire process typically lasts from 1-2+ years. Read their stories to get a feel for their journey and transformation.