Frequently Asked Questions

This document's goal is to answer common questions that we see prospective students ask. But before you read these questions, make sure to first read about Our Pedagogy, Mastery-based Learning, and the Is This For Me page. Reading those documents first will help set expectations and answer most of your questions. Go ahead and do that, we'll wait. Seriously, read those links first.

Mastery-Based Learning Questions

Make sure to read all the answers to the questions here. These answers are at the core of what we do at Launch School. Make certain these explanations make sense to you and that you're aligned with the philosophy outlined here before enrolling at Launch School.

What makes Launch School different?
How do the assessments work?
How much support do you offer?
What's the major difference between bootcamps and Launch School?
What's the major difference between Launch School and a Computer Science degree?
What's the downside to Mastery-based Learning?
What are the keys to succeeding at Launch School?

Other Miscellaneous Questions

What can I do after the Core Curriculum?
Do you do job placement?
Can I take only the Front-End courses?
Do I get to work 1 on 1 with a tutor?
Can I live anywhere?
Can I be flexible in how fast I go through the courses?
How much time commitment does this program require?
When can I enroll in your courses?
Are you going to help me work on my own project?
What are some major complaints about the program?
How do I choose between you and other programs?
How do I start and how much is the program?
What's your refund or cancellation policy?
What language is this program conducted in?