Prep Live Program
Experience Launch School’s Prep Courses Live in a TA-led classroom setting, where you’ll have the opportunity to meet peers and build technical programming skills in just 4 weeks

What is Prep Live?
For students new to programming, The first courses of Launch School often have the steepest learning curve. Within a live classroom setting, Prep Live aims to give new students more guidance, motivation and accountability through the Ruby, Python and JavaScript prep 100 course. Here’s some of the features and benefits students can expect from Prep Live:
Prep Live Eligibility & Fees
Who can apply to Prep Live
Prep Live is intended for Prep Course students currently enrolled in JS100, RB100 or PY100 who have completed LS95 and lessons 1-5 of the 100 course. We also accept students finishing the LS95 if they intend to have completed the above prerequisites before Prep Live commences. Due to limited seating, preference is given to those that have already completed Prep Live’s prerequisites.
How much does Prep Live cost?
Prep Live is free to all Launch School students.
Program Outline
Each week, TA instructors help students build a new fundamentals taken from the prep 100 course. Sessions are delivered in a flipped classroom setting to encourage active participation and peer-to-peer practice
Week 1 Class 1: Introduction & Basic Code Snippets
In our first session, we’ll be laying the foundation for the weeks to come. We’ll discuss the format of Prep Live, look at simple code snippets that LS95 should’ve prepared us for, and get our first chance to work in groups.
Week 1 Class 2: Data Types and Operations
This week, we’ll explore the building blocks that make up the data we use in our programs.
We’ll also take a look at how we can start manipulating our data with basic operations.
Week 2 Class 1: Variables and Variable Scope
Beginning week 2, we’ll dive into one of the big hurdles of learning to program: understanding variables and variable scope. Here you will find out where you can and can’t access your data from.
Week 2 Class 2: Functions & Methods
This week, we’ll explore functions, methods, or both depending on the track you’re enrolled in. With this topic, we’ll see how we can grow our programs while keeping them organized and easy to work with.
Week 3 Class 1: Flow Control
Programming helps us make automated decisions about how we want to process our data. This week, we’ll learn how to change the flow of our code with `if`, `else` and other conditionals appropriate for your chosen language.
Week 3 Class 2: Collections
In the early lessons we had a small introduction into collections, but this week we’ll dive deeper to learn about the nuances, mutability, and best-use-cases for different collections to manage our data.
Week 4 Class 1: Loops & Iterating
Now that we’re working with more than one piece of data at a time, we need ways to process each piece of data. This is where loops and iterating come into play. We’ll learn how to execute the same code multiple times based on a collection or condition.
Week 4 Class 2: Variables as Pointers & Larger Code Snippets
We’ll finish off with an introduction to the topic of variables as pointers. This concept brings together our understanding of data types and mutability to allow us to explain more complex code examples with precision.
Supportive TA Instructors
Our supportive TA instructors will help guide you through Launch School’s prep 100 course, and are specifically trained to help beginner programmers work through foundational concepts.
Philip Knapp
Brandi Seeley
Antonina Kallinteri
Begin Your Prep Course Journey Live
Important Upcoming dates
Before you apply, please be aware of the following Core Live deadlines in order to participate in the next student cohort
Applications are currently closed
To receive updates and information about the next Prep Live intake please join our waitlist below.
By signing up to the waitlist you agree to be added to receive email updates and notifications about Core Live
Requirements to apply
If you’re interested in attending Prep Live, please read our requirements before filling out an application below
By applying to Prep Live you agree to be added to the Prep Live mailing list to receive email updates and notifications about the program
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Prep Live approach conflict with Mastery Based Learning?
While Prep Live doesn't utilize mastery-based learning, it complements Prep Course learning at Launch School.
If you have less time to commit to Prep Live, you can expect to get a high-level overview of the most important concepts from RB/JS/PY100. When you return to the Prep Courses, you'll have a much easier time studying and putting together the missing pieces.
If you have more time to commit to Prep Live, you may be ready to subscribe to the Core Curriculum when you complete the program. Between sessions, you can work through the Prep courses simultaneously, and during Prep Live sessions, you'll be testing your understanding and ensuring that you're able to communicate clearly about and apply what you've learned.
Is Prep Live mandatory for new Launch School students?
Prep Live is an optional program designed to give new students more guidance, motivation and accountability through the 100 courses of Ruby, Python and JavaScript Prep Courses at Launch School. For more information on differences between programs, please read this document.
Are there any prerequisites for joining Prep Live ?
Before Core Live commences:
- You should be enrolled in the 100 courses
- You should have completed course LS95
- You should have completed lessons 1-5 of the 100 course (including the tutorial)
- You will need a Launch School Slack account
How does the application process work for Prep Live?
All students are required to fill in an application form to be considered for Prep Live. As there is a limited number of seats and prerequisites for both groups, not all applications will be successful.
How do I know if I’m accepted into Prep Live?
Applicants will receive a success email that indicates if they have been accepted into Prep Live.
Accepted students are added to their own private group in Launch School's Slack chat, which they will need to login to in order to participate in Prep Live.
How much does Prep Live cost?
Prep Live is free to all Launch School students.
I’ve just started the Prep Courses, can I apply to Prep Live?
While Prep Live is intended for Prep Course students currently enrolled in 100 courses who have completed LS95 and lessons 1-5 of the 100 course, we also accept students finishing the LS95 if they intend to have completed the above prerequisites before Prep Live commences.
Due to limited seating, preference is given to those that have already completed Prep Live’s prerequisites.
What if I’m not able to attend all Prep Live sessions?
Try to attend all live sessions to get the most out of the program as each session builds on the last one. If however there are circumstances for which you cannot attend, there will be a recording available of the live session. You can collect your homework assignment on Slack for the next live session.
When does Prep Live begin?
Currently, Prep Live cohorts do not run on set dates. Those who are interested in the next cohort can sign up to our waitlist to receive updates on when the next cohort becomes available.
How is the Prep Live program delivered?
Prep Live is delivered in a classroom setting over live Zoom calls. For part of the sessions, you'll discuss and answer questions about the topic of the week with your instructor. This will help give you a better sense of the big picture and help you articulate concepts.
For the second half of the session, you'll break up into groups and work on coding problems, both deciphering code snippets and writing your own. You will also work on homework between live sessions in preparation for the next live class.
How Does Prep Live differ from the Smooth Start Program?
Prep Live aims to provide technical live support through the first 100 courses of Launch School’s Prep Courses. Smooth Start on the other hand provides non-technical support and guidance as you get to know the community of Launch School. For more information on differences between programs, please read this document.
Do I need a Core Curriculum subscription to participate in Prep Live?
No. You do not need a Core Curriculum subscription to participate in Prep Live.
How many hours a week are required to participate in Prep Live?
Prep Live is a four week program which requires a minimum of 6 hours per week commitment.